Fast and reliable in IT services

Our expertise allows us to swiftly tackle and resolve IT challenges, ensuring smooth operations for your business.

Web Development
Hosting & Software

Our goal:

"We exceed Our Customer's Expectation"

about our culture

Leading the way in Problem Solving

Being a leader in problem-solving involves innovative thinking and a collaborative approach. By encouraging creativity and teamwork, individuals can tackle challenges more effectively.

why choose us

For over 12 years in Maintenance

With years of exposure, our maintenance professionals have gained a deep understanding of the equipment they work with. This familiarity has led to quicker troubleshooting and more efficient repairs.

Same Day Repairs
Genuine Part

Get support for your problem

You can email us or call our 24/7 hour customer care assistants

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Give us a call

+256784 077 274

Semwaka SImon

CO. Founder
our vision & mission

Eradicate Information Technology illiteracy

To enhance businesses with affordable IT tools and systems support their companies in data management and awareness.



Glorious Years


Happy Customer


Service Complete

